Saturday, August 29, 2009
a 25# bag of tomatoes...and i picked the same amount two days prior...
i have canned 3 gallons of marinara, salsa, and plain tomatoes so far.
i have canned 3 gallons of marinara, salsa, and plain tomatoes so far.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
here is pete holding the fixins for gazpacho,
a bunch of broccoli, and a couple cute cucumbers. yummy!
a bunch of broccoli, and a couple cute cucumbers. yummy!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
some close-ups
the garden at the end of july...
the garden in early-june...
this is the way the garden looked when i left for my bike tour across can see collards, kale, chard, turnips, etc., coming up in the circles.....and tiny tomato and pepper plants on the right...

start of the garden 2009
at the behest of a former student, laura, who is my co-gardener this year, we redesigned with circles that sort of form the shape of the mathematics symbol for infinity...i like it. my previous garden design was haphazard and not really thought-out, just slapped together...inside the circles will be all sorts of greens and other vegetables. tomatoes/peppers will still dominate the garden, to the south of the sidewalk...